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Fall 2015 Lamorinda Housing Market FAQ: Sell Now or Wait Until 2016?

This headline on the front page of today’s Wall Street Journal caught my eye: “Fed Rate Strategy Remains On Track.”

Graphic: Fall 2015 vs Spring 2016In speaking to trusted advisors and in reading articles like this, it appears a rate increase in September or December is still looming despite the recent stock market correction.

Savvy Lamorinda home sellers have asked me what this means for them. Do they sell now or wait until Spring 2016?

Fall 2015 Lamorinda Housing Market Outlook

In my opinion, the real estate market this Fall should be fantastic for both home sellers and homebuyers in Lafayette, Moraga and Orinda.

Inventory and interest rates are both historically low. Low inventory typically means strong sales prices and less competition for sellers. This obviously varies depending upon your lot, location and the condition of your home.

With the right guidance, sellers can successfully navigate today’s market. Buyers at all price points (despite their varying levels of wealth) should take advantage of low interest rates. With every uptick in rates, buyers will most likely look back and kick themselves for not locking in this incredible opportunity despite high price tags.