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When my children were in preschool, their teachers would ask them at Thanksgiving what they were thankful for. Their replies were translated to paper in the teacher’s handwriting, and their answers (the dog, etc.) always made me laugh. But I appreciated the exercise, and I continue it myself to this day.

I love Thanksgiving for its reminder to us all to count our blessings. It’s a time for me to slow down (just a tiny bit) and take a few moments to reflect on all that for which I’m grateful. As Lafayette residents, we have much to be thankful for. We have great schools, a fabulous library, beautiful open spaces, a walkable downtown featuring every service and store one might need, and a general sense of community – something that is rare and wonderful.

You feel this sense of community while hiking our recreational treasure, the Lafayette Reservoir. It’s nearly impossible to walk more than a few paces on the trail without running into friends and neighbors and stopping for a quick chat. Community is felt at our independent grocery store, Diablo Foods, where staff offers hot chocolate to busy shoppers during the holiday rush. And if you’re ever feeling a bit disconnected, simply step into one of our many coffee houses, each a communal hub where a friendly conversation is always welcome.

I love this community and am grateful to live and work here. I am grateful for my family: my husband Todd, my son Bradley, and my daughter Kendall. Their understanding and patience through the years has allowed me to chase and achieve my dreams. I am grateful for you, my friends and clients, for placing your trust in me. And I’m grateful for my amazing team who work so hard to help you achieve your own dreams.

From all of us at the Dana Green Team, we hope you enjoy a healthy and Happy Thanksgiving.