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Kindergarten Registration Dates Signal Start of the 2016 Lamorinda Real Estate Selling Season

Kindergarten-Registration-300Home buyers and sellers throughout Lafayette, Orinda and Moraga often ask me, “When is the perfect time to buy or a sell a home?”

Schools are the #1 reason families move to Lamorinda so it makes sense that school calendars matter when it comes to timing real estate decisions.

Did you see that The Contra Costa Times published the 2016 Lamorinda kindergarten registration dates?  Registration begins in mid-January!

In my world, as the top Realtor in Contra Costa County, the announcement of kindergarten registration dates always signals the start of the home buying season in Lafayette, Moraga and Orinda.

Here we go! Are you ready?

Why Kindergarten Registration Dates Matter to Lamorinda Home Buyers

The thought of moving to the suburbs to enroll your children in school is exciting. Please know that we want what you want – happy kids enrolled in neighborhood schools from day 1!

Here is what we advise the buyers we represent: Start the home buying process as early as possible, make sure your finances are in order and be prepared to buy if you find your dream home! While our local school districts accommodate student residents, school district decisions about which school a child attends are impacted by classroom space availability. The earlier you can register, the better. Details regarding guidelines for registering when you are in escrow are found on each school district website.

Early birds typically are pleased to hear their children get to start at the neighborhood school. Those late to the registration process sometimes learn their child must start at a different school. Or even worse, their children must start at different schools.

When it comes to kindergarten registration, long time residents with rising kindergarteners are also in the mix.

For more information about school locations, kindergarten registration, and how to best navigate this process and understand how it works, please contact the various school districts: 

Lafayette School District

Burton Valley, Happy Valley, Lafayette and Springhill Elementary Schools

Kindergarten Registration: January 19 & 20

Moraga School District

Camino Pablo, Donald Rheem and Los Perales Elementary Schools

Kindergarten Registration: February 4 & 5

Orinda Union School District

Del Rey, Glorietta, Sleepy Hollow, and Wagner Ranch Elementary Schools

Kindergarten Registration: February 1 – 4

As a team, we live in Lafayette, Moraga and Orinda and combined have 11 children who navigate or have successfully navigated the local schools. We are always happy to share our knowledge and experience with you!

Home Sellers: School Registration & Timing Decisions

If you are considering a home sale, you can see why most buyers care more about school registration dates than they do about blooming gardens. To earn top dollar for your property, you’ll want the attention of these motivated buyers.

If you are planning to sell soon, please reach out to us now at Dana@DanaGreenTeam.com or 925.339.1918 to begin the process.