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Remote Aerial Video for Real Estate Marketing — and a Bird’s Eye Sneak Peek of a Reliez Valley Estate Coming Soon to MLS

If you look at some of my past luxury home listings you will see that we’ve been using remote controlled drone aerial footage to market real estate properties for years.


For the right property, aerial views can make an impact that a deck of still photos can’t achieve – and I always try to leverage all available marketing tools to best advantage for my clients.

What I’ve learned, though, is that aerial footage doesn’t work for all properties. The best way to understand this is to look closer at situations where it clearly does.

Aerial View for Reliez Valley Estate for Sale in Lafayette


A great example of just the right kind of property for an aerial video is our upcoming listing in the Reliez Valley of Lafayette, where drone footage has already been shot and is now being edited. (You’ll get the idea, though, with this still photography that the drone’s camera also shot.)

What’s so special about this Reliez Valley property that makes the use of aerial footage important? Lots of things, but here are the top three reasons I knew I’d use aerial video the moment I first walked onto the property:


1. Land – lots of it: 5 acres of park-like land, much of it flat and cleared. It’s something a potential buyer can walk but makes a stronger (and deserved!) first impression with an aerial flight tour.


Aerial View -- Lafayette Reliez Valley Estate for Sale


2. Multiple exterior features spread across a large amount of land: These include the large and beautiful single story ranch-style home as well as a 3-bedroom guesthouse, pool with cabana, and full-sized tennis court.


Aerial View for Reliez Valley Estate for Sale in Lafayette


3. Unobstructed views: A drone can only film what its camera lens can see. Too often in our community this can mean the tops of trees and the occasional roofline. In this case, though, the home sits on a plateau, in a beautiful and private setting, embraced but not hidden by its beautiful trees. That gives the drone clear sight of not only the property and its many structures, but also its commanding views.


Aerial View for Reliez Valley Estate for Sale in Lafayette - Tennis Court and Pool


As much as I love aerial videos, these birds-eye views are not destined to replace eye-level still shots. Buyers need to know what a home looks like inside and out. More and more, smart buyers want to know all of this from online searches before a home ever makes it to their must-see list.

For a property like this beautiful 5-acre Reliez Valley estate, aerial video offers buyers that something extra — an immediate understanding of how truly amazing a property really is and a stronger pull to examine the stills, call their agent, get in their car and take the personal tour.

This also means great news for sellers looking to increase interest in their home so they can achieve top dollar.

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If you’d like more information about my upcoming listing in the Reliez Valley of Lafayette, please contact me directly at Dana@DanaGreenTeam.com or 925.339.1918.

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