Almost every neighborhood has “secret” amenities best known among the local neighbors and their friends. These might be as simple as the big candy bars the people in the house on the corner always give on Halloween to something as big as the annual Fourth of July cul-de-sac bash, complete with hotdogs, dancing, and sparklers.
Here in Lafayette, neighborhood “secrets” often include little known access points into amazing open space trails, one of the reasons many of us consider Lafayette to be our own bit of paradise on earth.
A great example of this is the Shangri La neighborhood access to Briones Regional Park through Echo Springs Road, a hike that begins along a paved service road that morphs into a wide dirt one as it becomes Spengler Trail.
Take this trail and you can expect a heart-healthy hike with varied grades, beautiful foliage, commanding views, cows – and very few (if any) people, at least close to Echo Springs.
Since both Echo Springs and Shangri La are private roads and there is no parking at the trailhead, this Briones point of entry is essentially a neighborhood-only amenity shared with nearby Silver Dell neighbors willing to walk to it.
The Briones trailhead on Toyon Road offers similar limited access, thanks to parking challenges. Toyon is a paved private road that starts just a quarter mile down Reliez Valley Road from Shangri La. The walk along Toyon to the Briones trail access offers fun country-like sightings, including horses, vineyards and even some llamas. Plus, as you near the trail, you’re rewarded with beautiful views. For some who live on Shangri La, walking up and down Toyon will be enough exercise – and a great muddy season option.
Both hikes are within easy walking distance from our current listing at 3407 Shangri La Road.
Are you interested in trying either?
Before you jump in your car, consider this: If you don’t live within walking (or biking) distance, you are better off starting your Briones adventure at more established trailheads with parking lots, including the Lafayette Ridge Staging Area next to Springhill Elementary, the trailhead along Reliez Valley Road near Gloria Terrace, or the Bear Creek Staging Area, off Bear Creek Road.
Or you could just move closer!
For more information about Briones Regional Park trails, go to