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Troop 204’s Wreaths and Sprays — A Popular Lafayette Holiday Tradition

‘Tis the season for Boy Scouts in Troop 204 to sell wreaths and sprays, a fundraiser that has become a popular Lafayette holiday tradition. Did you buy one yet this year? Troop 204 is a Scout-run and Scout-funded troop chartered in 1937. The sale of these holiday decorations has been their sole fundraiser for decades.


Troop 204 Wreath & Spray Sales 2012

Many of us buy at least one wreath or spray every year, either as regular customers of boys we know or at the many sales tables around town. Some of us, including Realtor Dana Green, take a turn as parent of a wreath salesman as our sons move through the ranks towards Eagle.

“My son learned a lot about salesmanship and the spirit of our community while selling these wreaths,” says Dana, whose son is now in school at Colorado College. “I can honestly look back at his time in troop 204 and say it was one of the best decisions my son ever made. He is proud to be an Eagle Scout and what he learned along the way will serve him well the rest of his life. Troop 204 really is life-changing!”

At the beginning of the selling season, it feels as if there is a seemingly endless supply of wreaths and sprays. Don’t be fooled. Thanks to the determination of the Scouts (and the large number of regular customers), inventory sells out more quickly than you might think, no matter what the weather.

Rain? This is nothing to Boy Scouts on a mission with a limited time slot at a selling table. Just ask Justin Lee, a sixth-grader who is selling wreaths for the first time this year (and stands in uniform in the picture). He took up his post outside of Noah’s Bagels during last Saturday’s rain storm, alongside his brother, Cayden, who is currently a Cub Scout.

Thanks to everyone who supports this popular holiday fundraiser, including siblings!