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What are your Holiday Traditions?

December is a special time of the year, and especially so in Lamorinda where holiday cheer surrounds us. I love it when the white twinkle lights first make their appearance down Mt. Diablo Blvd. and on the giant tree that fronts Diablo Foods. I love walking the Lafayette Reservoir and enjoying the community ornament trees. And I especially love our Dana Green Team-sponsored “It’s a Wonderful Life in Lafayette” community event held annually in Plaza Park. Santa’s arrival on Old Betsy is the perfect kick-off to the season. What are your favorite holiday traditions? I had my team answer that question. No doubt you’ll nod in recognition to some of their responses, or perhaps they’ll inspire you to start a few new traditions of your own. It’s never too late to create holiday magic.

We always get our Christmas tree at Bob’s Trees in Moraga. The boys always ask to see Bob and then give him a high five before we leave. We also love the Living Nativity event at Moraga Valley Presbyterian Church. It’s a magical event, open for everyone to walk through and experience.  Andi Brown

I love the Chamber Tree Lighting event and seeing all the children’s excitement. Susan Cannon

Taking the kids to Orchard to select an ornament. When they were very young, I would cross my fingers we didn’t break any, and was always “entertained” by their selections – they were always the extra large, extra heavy, extra colorful ornaments! Though they are 23 and 20 now we will still find time for this tradition while they are home for the holidays. Ann Marie Quinn

Picking our tree out at McDonnell Nursery in Orinda; the lighting of the tree in the Moraga Commons; picking out one special ornament at Orchard Nursery; when the Trader Joe’s Peppermint Bark & Peppermint tea arrive; Lights down Mt. Diablo, and the Diablo Foods Holiday Tree. Lauren Woolsey

Our Christmas tradition has been to walk the reservoir on Christmas Eve morning with friends and family. This tradition started when my son was in first grade and my daughter was in preschool. They were so excited for Santa Claus and gifts that they were difficult to handle. We decided to invite friends and family to join us at the reservoir with an ornament to hang on the community tree. The walk definitely wore out the kids, which was the goal. The group grew each year and the little boys and girls are now college graduates but they still come out for the annual walk. Linda Gidre

My daughter Jane and I always make homemade cinnamon rolls on Christmas Eve to deliver to friends for Christmas morning. We love this mother/daughter tradition and my boys love the warm rolls as they come out of the oven. Kelly Wood

My family’s favorite holiday tradition since 2005 is adding ten new Orchard Nursery ornaments to our Christmas tree each year. We (me, my husband, and our three kids) each pick two that symbolize something important about that year. We have ornaments that represent new siblings, family trips, accomplishments, Broadway shows, pets, sports, camps, broken legs, etc. These ornaments make decorating the tree so special, as our tree tells a story about our lives and takes us down memory lane. We always have such a great time looking at Orchard’s wonderful Holiday decorations and picking out our one-of-a-kind ornaments. Orchard first presented its Christmas show in 1949 and has been doing it every since. Emily Forschler

I love taking a walk around the Reservoir and searching for the trees off of the main trail that are decorated for the holidays by community members. I think this is such a fun, local tradition to enjoy and take part in. Sarah Kellar

From all of us at the Dana Green Team, we wish you and yours a very happy holiday season!